

Support &
Student Wellness

Redhill’s focus on the social and emotional wellbeing of students underpins all that we do. This is especially key in the pivotal Middle School years when our students require support on a number of levels.

Our Middle School Head of Academics has both a birds’ eye view of the Middle School curriculum and how it feeds out of the Junior School and into the Senior School, together with the detail required in each department to ensure continued growth, innovation and best practice. The Head of Academics also closely monitors assessment results across the subjects and across the grades, as well as on any concerning trends in a student’s marks so as to proactively and immediately address any challenges.

Our tutorial programme forms a central part of the teaching day. These focused sessions offer personalised attention from our academic staff to students needing additional support in order to consolidate a concept or to reinforce their understanding.

The Grade Heads are in charge of their specific grade. Their role is all-encompassing as they take on the psycho-social wellbeing, as well as the academic well-being of their grade. The Grade Heads, along with the Mentors, are the first port of call on any communication parents have with the school, or the school has with their parents. The Grade Heads work closely with the Mentors in their grade to ensure that all students’ needs are met. Grade Heads also work closely with the Head of Student Wellbeing and Head of Academic.

The Mentor Programme at Redhill Middle School is vital in supporting in the students’ day-to-day wellbeing. Mentors spend the first 15 minutes of each day with their small group of mentees to prepare them for the day ahead and address any concerns they may have.

Our in-house Educational Psychologists work closely with our various facilities when planning and developing curriculum. This insight provides our teachers with the latest research and knowledge about how children learn and process information, and what their learning potential might be. Our teachers, in turn, develop lessons assist all students in reaching their unique potential.

Provided to students and parents at the beginning of each term, our assessment calendars are developed in consultation with subject teachers, faculty heads and the academic head. Our students are encouraged to use these calendars to support their planning and time-management. 

Find Out More

Why Have A Middle School?

The research is unanimous in laying out the very distinct and unique challenges that Middle School children face in these critical developmental years.


It is Redhill Middle School’s aim to grow the leaders of tomorrow. With this in mind, we aim to nurture leadership potential in every student. 

Middle Years Programme

The Redhill Middle School has adopted the MYP (Middle Years Programme) to structure and inform the curriculum. As an IB World School, Redhill has already adopted the IBDP Programme in the Senior School.